From the Depths! Rare Giant Squid Caught off Dingle

One of the most rare and mysterious leviathans of the deep has been caught off the coast of Kerry. The giant squid measuring nearly 6 metres long was netted by a fishing crew around 120 miles west of Dingle yesterday.

rare giant squid landed dingle

Rare giant squid Landed in Dingle, the unofficial giant squid capital of Ireland (Credit RTE)

Landings of giant squid in Ireland is extremely rare and only a handful of specimens have ever been recorded but they all seem to have occurred close to Dingle. The first ever recorded giant squid in Ireland was landed in Dingle and brought ashore in 1673. Another was also caught off Dingle in 1995.

Scientist measures the squid (Credit RTE)

The squid, which is no longer alive, is currently at the Dingle Aquarium where marine science students from Sacred Heart University, Connecticut, who are studying a semester in Dingle will dissect it to learn more about this rare visitor.

About the Author

Ann Robinson
Has a passion for coastal heritage and maritime history. Loves sharing the best of the Irish coast online. Contact me or follow me on Twitter @AnnRobinson22