Tanker finally departs Dublin bay after five month in limbo

The Dutch tanker Iver Ability, anchored in Dublin Bay since August, has finally left these shores. The vessel with its 15 man crew left Dublin Sunday morning bound for the Dutch port of Delfzijl.

Tanker finally departs Dublin

Iver Ability Left Dublin Bay after 5 month wait.

The vessel arrived in Dublin last summer carrying a cargo of material for use in building and maintaining roads. After an unexpected chemical reaction occurred with the cargo, it was deemed unsafe to unload.

The vessel held anchor in Dublin Bay to avoid racking up fees, while discussions happened between the ship and cargo owners. While in Dublin Bay the crew were performing normal duties and made trips ashore for supplies.

Officials at the Dublin Port company had said the ship did not pose a danger and they were continually monitoring the vessel while it was her.

The vessel left Dublin on Sunday morning bound for the Dutch port of Delfzijl.

About the Author

Ann Robinson
Has a passion for coastal heritage and maritime history. Loves sharing the best of the Irish coast online. Contact me ann@coastmonkey.ie or follow me on Twitter @AnnRobinson22