A new Masters module specialising in remote sensing and the principles of seabed mapping has been successfully delivered by a joint partnership between the Department of Geography at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth (NUIM) and Ireland’s marine mapping programme INFOMAR (Integrated Mapping for the Sustainable Development of Ireland’s Marine Resource).
The level 9 post-graduate module, Marine Remote Sensing – INFOMAR, was run at the start of February and teaches students about the science of seabed mapping by providing a combination of class-based learning and practical offshore survey experience.

Onboard the RV Celtic Voyager Maynooth Students experience Ireland’s Marine Mapping Programme INFOMAR
The course outlines the importance and impact of seabed mapping and features a range of topics including how seabed data are collected and processed to produce high-resolution maps of seafloor depth, type and habitat. Lectures illustrate how scientists measure and describe the seafloor in incredible detail, using state of the art acoustic sonar, positioning, and optical instrumentation. The use of satellite imagery analysis is explained in studying coastal seabed depth and shape, with practical examples utilising images of Dublin Bay acquired on Sentinal-2 satellite’s sensor almost 800km above the Earth’s surface.
The module includes a two-day offshore practical where students are given an opportunity to apply the theoretical learning aboard the RV Celtic Voyager. This is one of six survey platforms deployed by the INFOMAR programme during seabed mapping operations, and at 31.4 m in length, it is tasked with operating along the continental shelf and coastal waters. Students get exposure to the dry and wet/chemical laboratories, as well as to operating an array of scientific equipment including the multibeam sonars and associated oceanographic instrumentation. Participants boarded the RV Celtic Voyager in the Port of Cork and departed to the outer reaches of Cork Harbour where the offshore element of the module was conducted successfully on February 15th and 16th.
@followtheboats have teamed up with @MaynoothUni to create a unique Master’s module for their students. Marine Remote Sensing – INFOMAR is a level 9 post-graduate programme that teaches remote sensing and the principles of seabed mapping. Find out more ➡️ https://t.co/sHxT23NfI1 pic.twitter.com/TZFaoidzmH
— Dept. Communications, Climate Action & Environment (@Dept_CCAE) April 16, 2020
Training activities undertaken onboard included marine mammal observation deck watch, survey computers and software use, benthic ecology, sedimentology classification, sound velocity probe deployment, multibeam echosounder, and sub-bottom profiler data gathering. After exposure to the scientific equipment, workflows and data processing onboard, the students were tasked with the design, planning and implementation of a real-life survey scenario. This enabled them to apply their newly acquired seabed mapping knowledge as a team of scientists would in real world conditions.
Sean Cullen, Geological Survey Ireland INFOMAR joint programme manager said, “I’m pleased to see the very positive feedback on the course overall both from the students and the tutors. This module, newly developed by the INFOMAR team, with steering from the Department of Geography at NUI Maynooth demonstrates the welcome influence of Irish seabed mapping expertise on new sectors of society and is timely addition to the INFOMAR education initiative as we face into the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. The collaboration is an encouraging sign that seabed science belongs in the space of third level education, and sets to further promote Ireland as leaders in marine science and of Ocean Literacy on an international stage.”
Thomas Furey, Marine Institute INFOMAR joint programme manager said, “It is critical that we create a legacy to build on Ireland’s world leading role in seabed mapping, and through launching our third level delivery of INFOMAR specific training, we are contributing to capacity build, marine economy growth, and Ireland’s marine plan, Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth.”