Not a species we readily associate with Irish waters but loggerhead turtles are some time visitors to our little island in the North Atlantic.
On Sunday evening a juvenile loggerhead measuring just 22 cm long washed up on a beach in Donegal.
It’s currently receiving veterinary care in the Exploris Aquarium in Portaferry and hopefully soon will be able to return back to the warmer climes to which loggerheads are more accustomed.

Loggerhead turtle found on Donegal beach (Credit Sea Turtle Rescue and Reporting Ireland Facebook Page)
Last year another loggerhead named Sally was found floundering in Tralee bay after being attacked by a shark which left her missing a front flipper. She also had damage to her shell and eye. The wonderful folks at Oceanworld Aquarium in Dingle nursed her back to health and she hitched a ride home with the Irish Naval Service to warmer waters.
Let’s hope the same can be done for our latest visitor!