Ireland’s Seashore – A Field Guide | ‘Perfect for a closer look at the seashore’

Take a walk along the Irish seashore, along the beaches, around the rocky outcrops and you’ll encounter rock pools full of barnacle-encrusted rocks, myriad seaweeds and so much fascinating sea life. And if want to gain greater insight and understanding into the weird and wonderful inhabitants of our coast you’ll need a good guide and we’re certain ‘Ireland‘s Seashore Guide’ is the book for you!

Ireland Seashore Field Guide

Ireland’s Seashore – A Field Guide Perfect for a closer look at the Irish coast

The authors Lucy Taylor and Emma Nickelsen both grew up along the Irish coast and met while studying marine biology at UCC. Through field trips and outings they discovered their shared passion for the Irish seashore and it ultimately led to this carefully compiled and beautifully photographed guide to everything you need to know about the Irish seashore. 

“I’ve always had a huge interest and curiosity in what lives on our coasts” says Emma, “Ever since I was really little, I would spend hours in rockpools and was obsessed with learning what all the creatures were. For people to develop an interest they need to have a relationship with seashore, and what better way than get out and discover it for themselves! So, my hope is that this book encourages people to get out, discover the treasures it has to behold and, hopefully, take steps to help conserving them.” 

Sea anemone One of the many curious critters that live on Ireland’s seashore

The guide is packed with all the fascinating species that you meet while visiting the beach including seaweeds, crabs, jellyfish, snails, mussels, worms and so much more. Each entry is clearly written with interesting information and bite size facts about each species and where you’d find them and it includes a clear and identifiable photo.  A nice touch is that they’ve included not only the latin but also the Irish name for each species.

Other interesting bits of information are included such as if the species is endangered or if it’s safe to eat!  There’s also sections dedicated to the different types of coastal habitats, about caring for our coast and about the threats and dangers facing our coastlines.

Easy to use, very informative and the ideal size to fit in your pocket, this guide is perfect for a closer look at the seashore, a must for all coastal enthusiasts from coastal novice to seashore savant! The book is available to buy now from Colin’s Press for €14.99.

About the Author

Ann Robinson
Has a passion for coastal heritage and maritime history. Loves sharing the best of the Irish coast online. Contact me or follow me on Twitter @AnnRobinson22