Galway Atlantaquaria is set to join over 50 aquariums around the world to raise awareness and encourage action on marine litter. The World Aquariums Against Marine Litter campaign will be launched in Galway on Thursday.
Every year over 10 million tonnes of litter ends up in our oceans causing a devastating impact on the seas and the marine life that dwells within them. It is estimated that by 2050 our seas could contain more plastic than fish.
A number of aquariums around the globe are banding together to highlight this major problem and engage with the public. The new campaign will show people practical solutions on reducing their own impact and how they can help to turn the tide on marine pollution.
Galway Atlantaquaria will be launching this new Our Ocean campaign this Thursday. They’ll be teaming up with Clean Coasts and Down 2 Earth to lead the charge and get visitors thinking about this serious issue and how best to tackle it.
To find out more about the European Commission’s efforts to combat marine litter, visit