Ernest Shackleton Autumn School | 27th – 30th October 2017

The 17th Annual Ernest Shackleton Autumn School returns on the 27th – 30th October in the Shackleton Museum in Athy.

The Athy Heritage Centre-Museum established the Ernest Shackleton Autumn School to celebrate the life and work of the great Antarctic explorer in his home county. It provides a forum for discussion and debate on polar exploration and the presentation of artistic works relevant to Shackleton and his time.

The Autumn school and exhibition will officially open Friday evening at 7.30 followed by the launch a new book ‘Shackleton’s British Antarctic Expedition 1907-1909’. Throughout the weekend there will be a daily exhibition entitled “Ushering in the Age of Mechanical Exploration: Richard E. Byrd’s First and Second Expeditions to Antarctica”

The weekend programme will feature a number of interesting talks and discussions as well as a film screening, drama and a field trip.

More more information check out the brochure or visit Shackleton Autumn School

About the Author

Ann Robinson
Has a passion for coastal heritage and maritime history. Loves sharing the best of the Irish coast online. Contact me or follow me on Twitter @AnnRobinson22