An exciting new €2 million refurbishment project at the Clontarf Seawater Baths is set to open in September. Restoration efforts began twelve months ago at the seawater baths which were originally built in the 1890s.

Clontarf Baths Opening September 2017
According to the Irish Times, the redevelopment of the baths by the Clontarf Baths and Assembly Rooms Company will see a fully modernised open-air swimming pool for members of the public as well as a cafe bar and restaurant.
The large outdoor pool would allow filtered and clean seawater to enter it and be pumped out again in a refreshment process. Water would enter at ambient temperatures but there would be a water-heating facility to increase bathing comfort.

Dun Laoghaire Baths A work in progress, hopefully.
It’s interesting to note construction of the Clontarf baths began in September 2016 and work is set to be complete after just one year, benchmarking the time it takes for the redevelopment of a disused baths.
On the other side of Dublin Bay, Dun Laoghaire Baths have stood derelict for more than a decade. Various plans and projects have been put forward over the years but there has yet to be any new development at this prime location. Last year signage was put up on the building indicating work would begin early 2017 on an attractive public amenity. Although there has been little indication of any work at the baths, a recently closed tender by the County Council raises some hope that development will begin soon.