Atlantic Project Awards 2020 | Submit Your Entry Now

The Atlantic Project Awards are designed to honour outstanding success stories, achieved by projects in the geographical area covered by the Atlantic Strategy and with relevance to the implementation of the Atlantic Action Plan.

The Awards are organized by the Atlantic Strategy Group (ASG) with the help of the Assistance Mechanism for the Atlantic Action Plan, and aim to showcase and promote individual winners and highlight the incorporation and scaling up of best practices at regional, national, European and international level.

Atlantic Project Awards 2020

Atlantic Project Awards 2020 | Submit Your Entry Now

The Atlantic Project Awards seek to make the Atlantic Strategy more visible to the general public by promoting the key priorities of the Atlantic Action Plan and its achievements across the Member States covered by the Atlantic Strategy.

Follow up actions will be undertaken to increase winner project publicity i.e. dissemination actions through the Assistance Mechanism’s web-based communication channels (electronic publications and social media).

The Atlantic Project Awards commenced in 2016 at which time they were organized in the Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference in Dublin (ASPC2016), while the 2nd and 3rd editions of the Awards were held respectively in Glasgow during ASPC2017 and in Vigo during ASPC2018. In 2019, there was no Atlantic Project Awards.

The guidelines for applicants provides guidelines and practical information on the 2020 Atlantic Project Awards application process that are going to be held in France during the upcoming ASPC2020.

Applications for the 4th Atlantic Project Awards are currently being accepted: here.

Closing date for applications is 18th June 2020.

About the Author

Daniel Farrell
Interested in all things on the Irish coast and sharing the best of it. // Email: // Follow on Twitter: @DanielsSeaViews